A Joyous Annunciation to All! 2014


amen amen somethings I will not forgive


A Joyous Feast To All!  The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

annunciation12c Russian 12th c. icon of The Annunciation (notice the image of Christ Incarnate in Mary’s womb)

Gabriel the Archangel was sent from heaven to announce to the Virgin the glad tidings of her conceiving; and coming to
Nazareth he pondered in amazement on this wonder. “O how shall He who dwelleth in the heights, Whom none can
comprehend, be born of a Virgin? How shall He Whose throne is heaven and Whose footstool is the earth be held in the
womb of a woman? He upon Whom the six-winged seraphim and the many-eyed cherubim cannot gaze has been pleased
at a single word to be made flesh of this His creature. It is the Word of God Who dwells within her. Why then do I stand
here, and not say to…

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